Going to College and Feeling Anxious

The day finally came. After 12 long years, you are now an official college graduate. With your diploma in hand and your tassel flipped to the other side, you felt prepared. You were so ready for this day and you can't help but feel excited for the future. You're a little sad, of course, leaving behind your schoolmates but you can't wait for this next chapter of your life to begin.

You make preparations all throughout the summer, waiting for the move-in date to arrive. Shopping for your dorm supplies, buying textbooks, or making another tour of the place you will be at for the next two or four years.

Going to college for the first time is very exciting. But as the date grows closer to classes beginning, that excitement you felt at the start of summer slowly fades. Try as you might, you can't help but feel anxious too.

Reasons Why You Might Feel Anxious About This New Chapter

It's just the beginning of your young adult life. From the moment you stepped across the threshold and received your diploma, you were beginning a new chapter of your life. But with each life transition you experience, you'll likely feel a ton of different ways about this. Here are some common reasons why someone can be anxious over going to college.

You'll Be On Your Own

For the past 18 years, you have been under the roof of your parent or guardian. They have been there to help guide you, feed you, and to hopefully spend time with you. There's security we feel when we are taken care of. Now that you will be moving away into an unfamiliar setting, you can't help but feel anxious and alone. It's an adjustment to try and learn how to care for yourself without the constant help of a parent or caregiver. 

We want to be independent all of our lives, but then when the time comes for that, it can be really challenging to try and cope with.

Your Leaving Everything Behind You Know

For 12 years, you were surrounded by the same people, give or take.  As challenging as school could be, there was security in knowing who you would see and spend 8 hours + after-school activities with. Now, you are moving away from one another. And while the prospect of meeting new people and reinventing yourself can be exciting, it can feel daunting. Will these new people like me? Will I get along them? Am I going to make friends easily with people I don't know?

What will my classes be like? Am I going to even like my chosen major? 

There's so many questions about the unknown, now, and it is completely normal to feel anxiety over the future. Everything before this seemed to have been a set goal to achieve, but now, life seems too open-ended with possibilities.

How To Deal With Anxiety Over Going To College

First, remember that you aren't alone. Even if you don't know anyone at your college, you are in the same boat as every other incoming freshman. 

Second, if you are comfortable with it and have a good relationship with your parents, talk to them. It's tempting to put a brave face on and pretend that everything is okay and you are nothing but excited for this new beginning. You don't have to be afraid to admit that there are parts of this new journey that are causing you some distress. If they went to college themselves, they'll remember how it felt to leave home on your own for the first time. And they may have some good advice.

Third, practice self-care. Remember to take some time in between all the preparations and things you need to get done before you move in. 

If you are experiencing uneasiness over this new life transition, it's not too late to get the support you deserve. The clinicians at The Next Step are here to help. Appointments are offered both in-person and via telehealth anywhere within the State of Arizona, so even if you’re headed to a school out of town you can continue meeting with your therapist.

Click here for more information on life transition counseling.


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