Dealing With the Grief That Comes With Being a First Responder
Helping people in their time of need is almost in your DNA. Your work is challenging and physically intense. It's no small task to be a first responder and dedicate your life to the cause. You couldn't imagine your career as anything else.
Going to College and Feeling Anxious
Going to college for the first time is very exciting. But as the date grows closer to classes beginning, that excitement you felt at the start of summer slowly fades. Try as you might, you can't help but feel anxious too.
What Is Depression?
Something feels wrong. You can't shake this heavy feeling away. Suddenly, it seems as if you have no motivation. No interest in your hobbies. You feel anti-social and don't want to really talk to anyone. No matter what you try, you can't help but feel sad, for no reason at all.
Anxious and Exhausted - 5 Ways to Slow Your Racing Thoughts
The exhaustion hits you. You are doing everything in your power to close your eyes and fall asleep, but your brain just will not turn off.
How Play Can Help Your Child Heal
Play therapy helps children navigate through difficult emotional and mental health issues safely and healthily.
Overexposed and Overwhelmed- What You Need to Know About Vicarious Trauma
Are you are left feeling overexposed and overwhelmed. Here is what you need to know about Vicarious Trauma.
Your Why the Brain-Body Connection Matter So Much For Your Mental Health
When it comes to your body, everything is connected. This connection includes physical and mental health. Your mind and body function and work best together. Look back at the sentences above. Emotions are at play, but there is also evidence of a physical response.
How Healing Can Be Found Through Trauma Therapy
Trauma happens for a variety of reasons and shows up in a variety of ways. Perhaps you experienced abuse, a natural disaster, war, the death of a loved one, or a terrible accident
How to Care for Your Child Struggling with Anxiety
Anxiety is one of the most commonly diagnosed issues when it comes to mental health. And that's not just for adults—our little ones can also experience anxiety.
Heroes Need Healing Too: 5 Signs You Might Be Ready for Trauma Therapy
The pandemic is still ongoing, and there are serious effects of prolonged exposure to trauma and stress. Heroes need healing too. Here are 5 signs you might be ready for trauma therapy:
Quarter-Life Crisis is a Real Thing: 3 Tips to Overcoming It
Similar to a midlife crisis, a quarter-life crisis entails an upset in one's sense of identity. This typically occurs in someone's mid-twenties to early thirties. However, in a quarter-life crisis, this sense of lost identity is from figuring out who they are and what they want out of life.
Quieting the Storm: How to Calm Down When an Anxiety Attack Builds
Anxiety is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders across the globe. And you've likely heard of panic attacks before. While panic attacks are considered a symptom of a panic disorder (a type of anxiety disorder), they are different from anxiety attacks.